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Sabine Karb

Dancer, Choreographer

Sabine Karb received her dance training at the Iwanson School for Contemporary Dance in Munich, combined with dance residencies of several months in New York and Los Angeles. Since then she has been working as a dancer and choreographer.

In her projects, she investigates everyday events in different places, always focusing on contemporary movement language despite interdisciplinary connections. In her choreographies she shows an open eye for the absurdities of our performance society and the physical effects on people. Radio play layers, sound collages and the inclusion of language material typical of the time are an integral part of her work.

Already during her training she taught contemporary dance in the Munich area. Since 2011 she has also been working in schools, where she develops dance projects with children and young people until they are ready for the stage. Sabine Karb is a member of the team of Tanz und Schule e.V./Fokus Tanz.

Current projects:

Time Bubbles

In 2022 the LH Munich supports her research project Zeitblasen with the work and research grant.

"It wasn't me!"

In 2020, the Cultural Department of the City of Munich funded their production "Ich war das nicht!" The premiere of the mobile dance theater could take place in December 20 in the school gymnasium. The online premiere took place on 1.5.21 on the theater platform SPECTYOU. Excerpt from the jury statement: "The jury is convinced by the fun access to this social topic.... "

WA "I didn't do it!" for 2022:

Performances in public spaces in September 2022 funded by NPN-Stepping out.

Theater performances in November 2022 : Pepper Theater (funding by LH Munich),

Funkstation Feierwerk and Luise Kulturzentrum (supported by the Gastspielring).

Selection of further projects:

- ichich, concept/idea: Füsti, Halbig, Karb, Vögele, Media Theater of the HfG Karlsruhe

- visible Visions - dance film idea/direction: Karb, Sternagel, Wanke, Metropoltheater, Munich

- Widerschein der Dinge - a dance and audio piece,Kranhalle Munich

- Dies and starts to sing and opera on offer, Orgelfabrik, Karlsruhe

- Wrgsgrf, theater and so on, Munich - Burnout - Society 3.0, Tempel, Karlsruhe

- Who is catcher?, mobile dance theater, together with Lisa Lugo

- Socks, dance theater and dance film, long-term project together with Emilie Kar, start 2015

Sabine Karb
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